
Before I die hits Downtown Asheville

By June 15, 2014 2 Comments
Before I die wall up for July 4th

Before I die wall up for July 4th

As more of the Asheville community engages in the movement around holding sacred the art of dying and the conversation that brings dying into daily living new experiences/expressions are also entering the landscape.
Before I die is just such a project. It is a public arts project that began in New Orleans and has circled the globe as cities embrace the idea for community (see our resources / movement page). In Asheville our on-going work with Death Cafe has been enriched with having supporters from all those who have been touched by death, social workers, chaplains, caregivers, physicians, nurses, and those who in some way experience the power of love and heart (that seems to be the embodiment of our mortality) share and build a community around creating a deeper more compassionate conversation. Before I die is thirdmessenger’s next community offering that allows pedestrians in downtown on Biltmore ave next to Doc Chey’s to pause and reflect on their own sense of what dying can teach us in how to live. Drop by after the 4th of July and allow your inner guide to write something.

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