The genesis of the concept of the third messenger is metaphoric , a consciousness or flow of energy as in biological packets relaying a heartfelt intelligence to living systems. It is a metaphor for creative intelligence found in a deep searching an expression of wonderment of the divine and sacred. It is the third wheel of the dharma – compassionate action.
The Why – MISSION ( Tools for engaging COMPASSIONATE Service)
To be soulful curators of the Sacred Art of Being and Dying. A space or the collection and creation of works and ideas, a basket of small works that inspire, support and foster heart centered caring. A place to tend the fire. Being in contemplative states leading to integrated wholeness i.e. sacred presence, a means of holding, transmitting and honoring the great wisdom teachings for comforting the suffering and inspiring those engaged in answering the call of service. We have no vision statement for seeing is being.
The How – PRACTICE IN The School and Site. Experiencing / INNER STATES / STORY TELLING / journaling / retreat / creativity
As curators and writers and artisans we are builders of metaphoric mosaics, ephemeral mandalas. We have a deep vein of wisdom that is in nature and realizing nature as a sacred text.Third Messenger uses the power of the manuscript of nature in narrative as in story telling as an opener to universal wisdom. In the story we learn to realize that it is one of the great bridges that connect the island of our Soul with the great continent of common life . Our stories are a collective of sorts and when incorporating contemplative imagery.Our experiences expand sensory boundaries through forms of ceremony as sonic / visual interplay. Interplay as sacred art becomes the stuff of celebration and wonder.
Actualization is not the goal, Beauty is!
“Actualization of Self cannot be sought as a goal in its own right. … Rather, it seems to be a by-product of active commitment of one’s talents to some cause, outside the self, such as the quest for Beauty, Truth, Love or Justice” Sidney Jourard