Newest PosterThis is a live musical and visual performance ART– piece engaging our intellectual selves as well as our emotional selves into a often hidden conversation i.e. our living and dying.

As Trans-formance art it engages, transcending emptiness, loss of meaning and materialism of our time that are the offspring of lost contact with traditions and ancestors. Trans-formance is the impetus, the creative drive for this work. In this piece cultures are juxtaposes as an interplay between two desperate cultures that have memorialized the death image i.e. Victorian Memento Mori and Mexican Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) and are the two core pieces of this three-piece movement. The Final movement Dia de Muertos brings to our current culture a way into honoring our dead and having a new relationship to “Dying to Live” in that it shows how being in harmony with our relations is being in harmony with Being!

The show will be in a venue that is a perfect container for holding impressions. Come and see for yourself on October 31 at the historic Masonic Temple Theatre in Asheville. see blog